Tuesday, March 29, 2011

One Week from Today . . . Election Day . . . Tuesday, April 5

Tuesday, March 29th

In a very short period of time voters will decide who will represent District 1 on the Madison Common Council.

In the past thirteen weeks, I have personally knocked on over 1,400 doors, attended neighborhood and homeowner association meetings, participated in candidate forums, and I have been a part of Saturday morning coffee talks.  I have enjoyed the opportunity to learn about what is important to residents of District 1 and I have received many great ideas and suggestions. 

Moving forward I urge residents to continue to be engaged in the local process.  Please consider attending Common Council Meetings, Committee Meetings, and especially, please participate in public comment meetings for our upcoming budget.

Finally, please vote on April 5th and then on April 6th, begin to hold all of your locally elected officials accountable.  We need to stay engaged now more than ever.

Thank you for your time, and I hope that I earn your vote on Election Day!


Brian Driscoll
Candidate for District 1
Madison Common Council

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