Monday, January 31, 2011

Economic Development – creating public-private partnerships to find common ground

This is the second blog post in a series.  The first blog post focused on Public Safety.  Other posts will discuss: Communication, and the Budget/Taxes.

Economic Development – creating public-private partnerships to find common ground

Pragmatism, common sense, logic.  These are words that I continue to hear from homeowners and business owners in District 1.  The City of Madison can improve its standing in the Greater Madison Business Community.  First steps would include: more proactive dialogue with stakeholders; continued conversations with businesses that would be impacted positively or negatively by a new or changing code/ordinance; and finding common ground between development and regulation.

A new Planning and Development Director will be starting in a few weeks.  Mr. Steve Cover brings a wealth of knowledge from both the public and private sectors.  Mr. Cover introduced himself at the January 18th Common Council meeting.  At this meeting he focused on how city staff should find ways to say “yes” while working with existing businesses and new businesses looking to locate in Madison.

I appreciate this mindset  - searching for common ground, using common sense, and finding ways to say “yes.”  This all sounds great.  I would look forward to working with Mr. Cover and other city staff to improve the economic development opportunities for businesses and workers in District 1. 

Also, near District 1, there is a new development in the works.  The new “Research Park 2” has begun with infrastructure improvements.  Soon we will be seeing physical structures being built that will house the businesses and researchers of tomorrow.  I will do all that I can to support this wonderful economic engine on our southwest side.  Creating bio-tech, clean-tech and next generation medical companies in Madison will continue to grow the job opportunities for residents.

We must remember, we are just beginning to come out of a major recession.  Many families and businesses are still struggling.  We must do everything we can, within reason, to help businesses create high-quality, family-supporting jobs for Madisonians.

Next week's topic - Budget/Taxes

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