Thursday, January 27, 2011

Public Safety – supporting our neighborhoods and businesses.

This is the first in a series of blog posts that will highlight the issues and my positions.

Public Safety – supporting our neighborhoods and businesses.

Coordination and collaboration through communication is a good place to start.  If we could increase coordination with the Madison Metropolitan School District, our city/county public health workers, and our neighborhood watch groups we could make additional progress.

The Madison Police Department has seen an increase in staff through the last few budgets.  I would support additional staff for our next budget, especially if we can increase support and staff given to our neighborhood liaison officers.  Combining strong neighborhood watch groups with students’ work in our schools - Classes on Personal Safety (COPS) as well as continued support for our city/county public health workers would lay the foundation for future success.

If I am fortunate enough to represent you as Alder of District 1 on the Madison Common Council I will work to make our streets safer through additional police staff and more coordination.

Future blog posts will focus on:  Economic Development and the Budget.

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